

Esmeralda Garcia – Rose Park Neighborhood Board Member

Rose Park Neighborhood volunteers celebrated the 5th Annual Moms for a Beautiful 10th Street on Thursday, March 25th. Volunteers displayed vibrant butterflies on the trees of 10th Street from Temple to Cherry Avenue. The message for this year’s street action is “Moms are Essential!”

It has been a difficult year on us all and many moms are doing all they can to keep the family afloat; finding strength while managing their own careers, personal health and wellness. Rose Park Board Member, Esmeralda Garcia said it best stating: “Moms will continue to soar, just like butterflies soar through the air.”

We hope that residents will take a walk down 10th Street and check out all of the butterflies displayed in the trees. Previous street actions for Moms for a Beautiful 10th Street include raising awareness for pedestrian and bike safety, handing out personal safety alarms, and providing helpful resources to families at Willard Elementary.

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