New Year’s Greeting

484 Million Opportunities

Foster cooperation are the first two words of RPNA’s mission. We have 22,000 residents and hundreds of business owners and retail workers in the Rose Park Neighborhood. Our mission would be daunting except of course we are Rose Parkians.
How does an organization get 22,000+ people to cooperate and communicate? Keep doing what works. We’ve re-instituted the door to door flyers. One thousand are delivered approx. every 60-90days. We are regularly sending eblasts; post to facebook and update our website – just like this entry. And have our current events posted at East 7th and Temple. Of course the tree lighting – our annual success story – brought 100 folks out to sample cider and be a neighbor.

And doing things differently. In October we had an extremely successful Indie Business gathering and those folks want to keep getting together [contact for more info]. In fact the tag line for 2015 is “Be a Neighbor”. My calculation is, if each of us 22,000 connected to one other we’d have 484 million meet-ups. Nice.

Please join us:

Community Potluck at Red Leprechaun corner of Termino and Anaheim Wed. Jan 21st at 7pm.  That’s right a potluck – if you can, bring something to share. And, for Bike Route enthusiasts we’ll have Steve Tweed from the City to discuss the future of the 6th St. Bike Route. Contact: David Clement

heART of Rose Park – A Rose Park Art Gallery – to be held at LB Skate corner of Obispo and E7th. On Friday Feb. 13th 6pm-9pm. That evening we will host our very first ever Art Gallery highlighting RP artists. Proceeds to go for mental health needs of homeless children. Contact: Tim Scanlan

And that’s just for Jan and Feb.for more events check our website calendar at

Please consider joining this effort to build our community by becoming a member. .

And help us expand our Facebook reach – encourage your friends, family and neighbors to ‘like us’.

PLUS every Saturday in the Park – Tai Chi Classes in Rose Park

Announcement: Tai Chi Classes will begin Saturday, January 10th at 10:00 am. Where: Rose Park (the intersection of Orizaba Avenue and 8th Street in Long Beach, 90804.
Who Will Be Teaching? Richard Harvey
What will you learn: Breathing Mindfulness, Liang Gong to open and warm up the body. Contact
Richard Harvey with questions at 562-752-1115 or

 Cheers! for 2015

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