Nominate Someone You Know for the 2012 Distinguished Rose award!
On Sunday August 19th 2012, the Rose Park Bluegrass Festival will be designating 4 new outstanding recipients of the coveted “Distinguished Rose” award. We need to hear from you, about the people who you think make Rose Park such a wonderful place to live. Whether it’s somebody who advocates for neighborhood improvements, somebody who regularly participates in neighborhood clean ups, or somebody who merely helps their next door neighbor take out their trash, we want to know who and why. Recipients will be honored on the day of the festival with a one-of-a-kind framed certificate, a beautiful red rose and a commemorative brick to be placed on the walkway in Rose Park. Past winners include:
- Vice Mayor Suja Lowenthal (2nd District Councilmember)
- Emily Stevens (President of the RPNA)
- Gretchen Swanson (Restoration Trade Fair)
- Officer Claudia Lopez (LBPD)
There is no age requirement, but nominees must be residents of Rose Park or Rose Park South (subject to verification). Please submit your nomination(s) for the 2012 “Distinguished Rose” award, along with a brief description of why you think they deserve this honor.
*Please Note: the organizers of the Rose Park Bluegrass Festival and GDH INC ultimately decide all award winners. The RPNA is a collaborative partner of this event, but does not decide the recipients of the “Distinguished Rose” award.
Submit your nominations here: ——-> I know a person that deserves this