
Our collective recovery

Almost a year ago our neighborhood sustained a mass tragedy [Oct. 29, 2019]. Twelve were shot, three died while celebrating a birthday. This past week LBPD reported that those involved have been detained. Here is the article in the LB Post – also check out Facebook to see Chief Luna’s press announcement. And here is LBPD press release.

There are so many parts and phases to recovering from a traumatic event like this. Not the same for everyone, nor at the same time. But many ask “did they catch the guy?” OR, “do they know who did it?” This information will now help answer those questions.

We send our deepest wishes for recovery to the families and friends of those who were killed, and to all those who were injured or affected by this horrifying event.

Our healing page remains at our website – please avail yourself of these community based supports.

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