Our very own Tracy Ames makes a lasting impression
Read how Tracy Ames, long time resident of Rose Park and supporter of RPNA has helped navigate important changes along East Anaheim….I mean Zaferia!
On Saturday, February 20th the Long Beach Health & Human Services Department, Long Beach Forward and Rose Park Neighborhood held a COVID vaccination clinic at St. Matthews Church for individuals ages 18+. Over 80 individuals were vaccinated thanks to the coordination of Joanna Diaz and her team from Long Beach Forward, Victoria Brown and her…
8 days left – sharpen those pencils, lick that lead let’s write up a story for the ages. “How the Gnome Stole Rose Park” will become neighborhood mythology and sure to please. Submit you one page tale to info@rpna.org by Dec. 31st
Perhaps you heard the sounds of the Long Beach Youth Chorus as they strolled and sang Halloween carols through Rose Park Neighborhood on Thursday, October 29th. The Halloween carols wrapped up a festive day in Rose Park where neighbors gathered to paint pumpkins, play games and eat yummy treats! The Long Beach Youth Chorus is…
If you are interested in having a historic house plaque for your home – here is the information that we have currently. The company has the two approved designs for Rose Park Historic District and Rose Park South Historic District (remember to specify which historic district you are in). See historic district map for reference…
Did not get this in time for last night’s 4th Fridays BUT……look for fun on 4th at the end of June!!
Cambodian Community Equity Health Fair Neighbor Day Event Rose Park Neighborhood Residents Randy Chamberlain and Summer Etter are hosting a FREE Neighbor Day event on Saturday, May 20th at 5PM with live music from the rockabilly band Seatbelt. Neighbors are invited to bring their cooler and folding chairs and enjoy the sounds of country swing…