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Join Lisa Harris of the Red Cross at our next Community Watch Meeting
Did you know that doorways are no stronger than any other part of a structure? Don’t rely on them for protection! During an earthquake, get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on. It will help shelter you from falling objects that could injure you during an earthquake. The Rose Park Community Watch group…

Landscape Design
Residents along East 6th Street – now part of the 6th Street Bike Boulevard – participated in the landscaping design for each of the four traffic circles. Here are some elements that should be going in: native roses in each circle. some but not all will have trees due to underground utilities such as crepe…
ArtWorksLBC and local vendors, Bowman Ceramics and Green Smith Goodness teamed up with local business Skies for Miles at 2741 E. 4th Street for a Makers Workshop on Sunday, November 6th. Attendees learned how to create unique gifts for the holiday season and for any occasion year-round. Holiday ornaments were made for seniors with ArtWorksLBC,…
Participate in the City of Long Beach Budget Conversation
Join the City of Long Beach Budget Conversation for Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 25) The City of Long Beach is underway with the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 25) Budget development process. Take the SURVEY HERE We want you to join the conversation and share your feedback on the proposed budget by taking the FY 25 Budget Priority Survey: https://forms.office.com/g/6cckAiHLq2 You can…

The Long Beach Police Department East Division Commander Pat O’Dowd is receiving a great deal of information from the community about the fireworks. He wants residents to know that the city is LISTENING and provided a few important updates: DON’T call 911 for fireworks. They are getting inundated by ‘non-emergency’ fireworks calls. DO call the…