A long time resident recently sent in an email about who to contact about a situation near her home. She works nights and walks her dogs when she returns.
Since I am working nights now, I walk my dog anywhere between midnight and 6am regularly. Most nights are uneventful, but some times I see some suspicious people loitering. I figure since I walk my dog during those hours anyways, it would be nice to be involved. I don’t really want to waste emergency resources calling 911 every time I see a suspicious person, but if you know of anyone I should talk to about these things on a non emergent basis, that would be awesome. Anyways, if you have any info you can impart, I would greatly appreciate it.
So here is a list – always call. Don’t hesitate. If you don’t call – the police don’t know. The person answering at 911 or the non-emergency line will triage the situation. The calls made about suspicious behavior – do add up! If you would like a follow-up call let the operator know. Be clear in the description, location, don’t inflate the seriousness but on the other hand if your experience feeling unsafe then it is worth the call.
Long Beach City Services
DIAL 9-1-1
In a Life Threatening Emergency
Police Dispatch
(562) 435-6711
(Do not call for an emergency response)
Business Desk Inquiries
(562) 570-7260
Community Watch for the East Division Email: lbpdeast@longbeach.gov Office: (562) 570-5812
Mental Health Services
Mental Evaluation Team – 911
PRMT or the Psychiatric Emergency Mobile Team 800-854-7771
Didi Hirsch Suicide Hotline 800-273-8255 or 877-727-4747
Building and Property
Historic Preservation (562) 570-6194
Code Enforcement – Report a code enforcement violation Call (562) 570.CODE (2633) or go to www.lbcode.org.
Trash/Debris Call the City’s Recycling Hotline at 570-2876 or go to www.longbeach-recycles.org/talk_to_us/illegal_disposal.htm
Graffiti Call the Graffiti Hotline at (562) 570-2773 to report the exact address location of the graffiti.
Or simplify – http://www.longbeach.gov/ti/modernization/go-long-beach-apps/
Keep those questions coming!