SAFE Refuge at City Heart
A wonderful event this weekend, Saturday June 24th 9-noon at Made in downtown. Support our creativity!
ATTEND THE ORNAMENT MAKING SESSIONS FOR THE HOLIDAY GIFT BAGS In December, Rose Park Neighborhood Association teams up with Heart of Ida, a local nonprofit that supports Long Beach seniors in need with programs and services that sustain independence and connection within their community. The collaboration is a holiday project known as “Operation Holiday Hearts,”…
We hoped to have a mosaic drop off and pick up this Saturday, December 12th at the Dawson and 7th Street Lot. However, with the new restrictions now in place we decided to cancel this event to eliminate gatherings by people from separate households and encourage people to stay home except as necessary to conduct…
Start your morning with some creativity at the community mosaic workshop this Sunday, March 30th from 10AM to Noon at Rose Park on 8th and Orizaba Avenue. Rose Park Neighborhood Association’s ArtWorksLBC program and Roses for Rose Park are hosting workshops for individuals and families interested in creating something beautiful with and for the community. Rose Park Neighborhood Association…
We thank George Rivera and family who opened up their meeting room at Rivera’s Mexican Restaurant for our recent community meeting. Thank you George! And 4th St. Retro Row – we had a fun time registering voters at recent 4th on 4th Fridays! Thank you Gary at Retroda!
Friendship Corner Volunteer Flyer HERE We are looking for more mosaic flowers! Please email for pick-up OR drop-off location. BIG, SUPER BIG installation is November 7&8th. We want the completed mosaics completed and in by November 6th. Questions? Our Friendship Corner community project gives individuals an opportunity to create something beautiful for the…
Terrific turnout at the May Community meeting. Thanks to Tyler for starting Do Good Donuts in our neighborhood and sharing! Principal Davis (Luther Burbank School) and Val Parker, Founding Ex. Director at Power 4 Youth recognized. Our recent ‘movies’ shown during the introductions! Thank you Richard! Winter 2017 2018 Begins Expert Panel on current historic…