The Safe Refuge Mural project began with a mosaic prep workshop on Saturday, March 8th with amazing community support. Thank you to everyone who came out to help prep materials and make mosaic.
Rose Park Neighborhood Association’s ArtWorksLBC program and Roses for Rose Park will be hosting workshops for individuals and families interested in creating something beautiful with and for the community. Rose Park Neighborhood Association welcomes anyone interested in sharing in the revitalization of alleyway spaces around Safe Refuge to get involved! Email Rose Park Neighborhood Association with questions at or DM us on Instagram @RoseParkLB.
This collaborative mosaic mural project will be located in the alleyway behind Safe Refuge, north of 7th street from Obispo to Freeman Avenue.
Safe Refuge is a neighborhood nonprofit offering a complete continuum of care from residential to outpatient drug and alcohol treatment, so that individuals may retake control of their lives. Email us with questions at or DM us on Instagram @RoseParkLB.