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The installation begins! This Saturday, November 14th from noon to 2pm we will be installing and grouting the mosaics along the wall at Friendship Corner at 7th Street and Dawson Avenue.  If you still have a mosaic kit, please email info@rpna.org to return your completed mosaic by this Friday. 

Volunteers are needed this Saturday to help with grouting and Sunday to assist with polishing the mosaics.  Masks are required!

Let’s make the mural sparkle Rose Park!!!!

@roseparklb @dawnmendelson @artworkslbc #rosepark #roseparklb #longbeachmural #lbcommunityproject #action4neighborhoodchange

Questions?  info@rpna.org 
Our Friendship Corner community project gives individuals an opportunity to create something beautiful for the neighborhood. In October, a mural of roses was painted along the wall at 7th Street and Dawson Avenue; led by Rose Park resident and artist Cody Lusby and implemented with the help of many fantastic volunteers. Mosaic artist Dawn Mendelson created mosaic kits with the help of neighborhood volunteers to hand out to individuals and families to create at home and return for installation the weekend of November 14th, 2020. The vibrant mosaic designs will accompany the mural of roses. Come by and help out (masks required) or stop by to see the revitalization of the open space come to life!
To volunteer or to receive a mosaic kit for the second round of installation in 2021 email info@rpna.org. Access the mosaic instructional video in English HERE and in Spanish HERE.
Friendship Corner Wall at the SW corner of Dawson Avenue and 7th Street. This photo is an example of the future project – currently in progress.

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