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Light Our Night
With tremendous support by 2nd District and Rebuilding Together LB, Rose Park Neighborhood Assn. will be installing 25 lights in alleys around the Rose Park Neighborhood area from 4th to 10th; from Redondo to Cherry. If you and your neighbors are interested in participating in a future install please send an email to info@rpna.orgĀ with…
Bembridge House Victorian Christmas Holiday Tour Schedule
Leap back more than a century and experience a family-style celebration in Long Beach Heritage’s lovingly decorated Bembridge historic house, one of the last great Victorian-era homes in Long Beach. Each year as the holiday season approaches, Long Beach Heritage invites various community groups to decorate a rooms in a style befitting the home’s architecture…
Community Meeting Wrap-Up
Special thanks to George, Anna and the amazing staff of Rivera’s Mexican Restaurant for hosting and feeding attendees at the Rose Park Neighborhood Community Meeting on Saturday, August 27th. Thanks to Paul Van Dyk and Berlyn Maloa of Public Works Transportation Mobility Bureau for the updates on the roadway plans to the E7th street corridor,…
We hope you will join us for another alleyway event to connect with neighbors and re-imagine these open spaces. **Aspiring young musicians welcome! Bring your instrument and play for your neighbors. More information at

Safe Holiday
BBQ’s and Potlucks should be fun! Checkout infographic from
Seen an abandoned shopping cart on your block?
Have you seen an abandoned shopping cart on your block? Report it! It’s an easy call to make—or you can fill out an online form. Most carts are picked up in 24 hours! Call (800) 252-4613 or visit California Shopping Cart Retrieval Corporation online at