Sunny on saturday? come over to 6th!

And for the Roses for Rose Park Mural – The Movie! Cody says its the community vibe…. and so it is.
Hi there! HoboJane here to let you know about Craft Night! –Wednesday April 5th 5-7pm -Wine and snacks included $48 -You can choose your shape whether straight or round and choose to loom or learn to simply knot your creation together as shown below. -Lots of yarns in colors and textures. -Please RSVP if you…
Several interested people came to walk Rose Park South Saturday May 19th. Starting at Do Good Donuts and weaving from 4th to 6th via Orizaba over to Redondo, up to E7th and back to Orizaba. History, pedestrian challenges and benefits were shared. Overall a “very walkable neighborhood” was commented by many. Concerned that there may…
Community Watch – Meeting! When: 4pm, Sunday, December 3rd Where: UMS Church, 3212 8th St. Topics: -Officer Ruth Anne Salau-Kurkjian will be on hand to answer any questions, address concerns -We will talk about the future of the watch, goals and how to meet them -Take volunteers for block captains submitted by Jill Sparks
More than 100 people attended the Council District 2 Neighborhood Candidates Forum on Thursday, February 15th at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. The incumbent and Council District 2 Vice Mayor Cindy Allen and Friends of Bixby Park President Ketty Citterios were asked 6 pre-determined questions which included topics such as Transportation and Traffic, Public Safety, Housing…
99 year old Douglas Fir flooring available. In renovating our home, we removed about 1500 square feet of 3 1/4″ straight grain Doug Fir flooring. If you can put any of this wood to good use, please email for details. Condition, of course, varies.
Last week more ‘tending’ along E7th. A truck load of mulch from Office of Sustainability was delivered (i.e. 12 brown trash cans worth) with 3 RPN Treekeepers on hand to place in tree wells between Walnut to Cherry. Just to note the E7th Trees are tended by all 4 adjacent neighborhoods – this just happened…