Supporter of Trees and Treekeepers
The very pleasant owner of the market at 10th & Cherry waters the boulevard trees in front of his shop. And provided our Rose Park treekeepers with much needed gloves! THANK YOU!
Rose Park Neighborhood Receives America Walks Mini-Grant Award Rose Park Neighborhood received an America Walks Mini-Grant Award in 2022 for the “State of the Neighborhood”project that serves to create change and opportunity for walking and movement at the community level. Take a look at the report summary below. Access the Full Report HERE – Page 93….
Volunteer with us on Saturday, January 13th from 9AM to 1PM for MLK Jr., Day of Service. This year, we will come together with our Rose Park and Bluff Heights Neighborhood families to support Horace Mann Elementary and the surrounding community for a school and neighborhood clean-up. Special thanks to The Port of Long Beach…
Power 4 Youth is our lifeline to the future. The group mentors youth through the precarious time called ‘teenage years’. It may have been smooth sailing for you but more many it was tortuous. There are young male students who’ve have come forward for mentoring but there are not enough empathetic men to pair them…
Save the Date for the Rose Park Neighborhood Community Meeting at The Good Bar at 3316 E 7th Avenue on Wednesday, March 15th at 6:30pm. What’s happening on your block? What information or topics would you like discussed at the next meeting? Let us know at Bring a neighbor! Friends and family welcome! We…
484 Million Opportunities Foster cooperation are the first two words of RPNA’s mission. We have 22,000 residents and hundreds of business owners and retail workers in the Rose Park Neighborhood. Our mission would be daunting except of course we are Rose Parkians. How does an organization get 22,000+ people to cooperate and communicate? Keep doing…
Rose Park Neighborhood volunteers celebrated the 5th Annual Moms for a Beautiful 10th Street on Thursday, March 25th. Volunteers displayed vibrant butterflies on the trees of 10th Street from Temple to Cherry Avenue. The message for this year’s street action is “Moms are Essential!” It has been a difficult year on us all and many moms…