Neighbors are invited to come out to the parking lot on 7th Street and Dawson to meet and talk with Long Beach Police Department East Division officers. We hope you will join us to promote the safety of our streets, voice your concerns and meet your neighbors. Enjoy live music, food and refreshments! Questions? Email…
Rose Park Neighborhood Receives America Walks Mini-Grant Award Rose Park Neighborhood received an America Walks Mini-Grant Award in 2022 for the “State of the Neighborhood”project that serves to create change and opportunity for walking and movement at the community level. Take a look at the report summary below. Access the Full Report HERE – Page 93….
District 7 and Council Member Roberto Uranga and staff were gracious hosts of one of the neatest holiday events in LB! And Rose Park was included. At the Daisy Ave Christmas Tree Lane Parade we were so busy trying to stay on our bikes – decked with holiday roses – that we captured just a…
Great turnout at our Winter Meeting -hosted at the Red Leprechaun. Received latest intel from Cmdr. Herzog re: the New Year’s Eve incident in Rose Park South. Additional information on current crime issues, and that our area is especially susceptible to auto break-ins. Strategies and resources were discussed to combat and prevent these break-ins. Cmdr….
Several years ago RPNA received a grant to establish an on-line repository of information and data about East 7th Street. Since then many items have been added. The most recent by a funded project by CSULB graduate students that are studying GIS applications. Check it out!
For those who find graffiti know that LB has an aggressive program of abatement. You call, they come. Unless the graffiti is on someone else’s property and then that property owner needs to call. Download the Go LB app. I use it weekly as I walk the neighborhood – it’s quick and effective. We had…