

Make a Difference!

This year, you can make a difference for Rose Park Neighborhood Association and the ArtWorksLBC program. Rose Park Neighborhood and the ArtWorksLBC program is a participating nonprofit in Long Beach Gives to raise funds for Art in Rose Park. Under the facilitation of Director and Mosaic Artist Dawn Mendelson, Art in Rose Park brings individuals,…


The Alleyway Improvement Project Continues in Rose Park Neighborhood

Neighbors came together on Saturday, March 12th to get to know each other and discuss ideas for improving the alleyway behind Pizza X Two, located on the north side of E7th Street between Dawson and Raymond Avenue. We asked neighbors two questions: 1.) Tell us how they feel when walking or rolling through neighborhood alleyways….



We hoped to have a mosaic drop off and pick up this Saturday, December 12th at the Dawson and 7th Street Lot. However, with the new restrictions now in place we decided to cancel this event to eliminate gatherings by people from separate households and encourage people to stay home except as necessary to conduct…