Access the Takeout & Delivery Business list for District 2 HERE. Thanks to the staff of Councilmember Jeannine Pearce for putting this information together.
Access the Takeout & Delivery Business list for District 2 HERE. Thanks to the staff of Councilmember Jeannine Pearce for putting this information together.
The Heart of Ida helps older adults preserve independent living, and brings comfort and cheer when assisted living is necessary. “Working with our neighborhoods is critical. Nonprofits are the voice of the people we serve. If we are doing our job we should understand our community and their needs. We want people to know we…
When neighbors come together to participate in activities that improve the quality of life, strengthen community trust and address issues, we move toward positive change in our communities. On December 1st, Bluff Park Neighborhood Association gathered neighborhood association leaders from Bluff Heights, California Heights, Belmont Shore, Alamitos Beach, and Rose Park Neighborhood to discuss the collective efforts neighborhood volunteers can take to improve…
Fall Community Meeting still in planning – working to have Safe Streets here in November! October 16th – Housing Forum 6:30-9pm at First Congregational, 241 Cedar Ave LB November 15th – Parking Lot at 668 Obispo – Skate Jam and How to make a Zine plus all the popcorn you can eat. ArtWorksLBC – to…
A terrific evening of what is happening and will be happening around Rose Park neighborhoods! Please calendar and plan to attend. We meet in a historically cool auditorium built in the 1930’s after the earthquake at Luther Burbank School. You will not only have time to meet your neighbors but meet others who work to…
Now you have your backyard party planned with BBQ veggies and lemonade and who knows what else. Your pets have been tended. You and your family will want to attend the real deal for 4th of July. Everyone can let go of those illegal, noisy and fire-causing home displays. Attend well developed fireworks – here…
Placemaking signs are being produced and will be placed on light poles around Rose Park Historic District [Redondo to St. Louis/Cherry: E7th to E10th]. Forty signs in all. We have many to thank. First and foremost Dennis Herbert who took the idea and ran with it, the NPP staff, Jane at SavOn Signs, Aaron Jackson…