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Dusting off that front porch? Thinking of some repair or restoration?
Some residents are asking about the ‘rules’ of restoration and others are interested in some financial support. Great questions!!! Both are critical for us in Rose Park Neighborhood. We have two, count ’em two, historic districts. Our preservation page has just been updated with the ‘go to’ info needed to begin. AND for those who…

Shop local….so easy to say and really easy to do.
RPNA has had a long standing belief that our neighborhood businesses are a critical part of our life and well being. BUT we’ve been neglecting our Shop Locally! section of the website and we think we can just do better. So, we are kicking this off right here and right now. Here you see…
RPNA is now set up to receive donations from the AmazonSmile Foundation!
What is AmazonSmile? The AmazonSmile Foundation is the charitable arm of By using AmazonSmile you can support Rose Park Neighborhood Association each and every time you shop at, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience that provides…

Let’s take to the streets! 10th Street!
RPNA with Port of Long Beach and Heart of Ida, and our very own CD2 and CD4! Along with great groups: Jennifer Kumiyana, disability advocate, East Division PD, LB Transit, Gray Panthers, Hearing Loss Association, Willard Neighborhood Group, AOC7, and WalkLB. We will be out walking the sidewalks at 10th and Orizaba. We want to…

And another question…..who makes all those videos about Rose Park Neighborhood?
It started as a one off and now taking images and voice is part of all our gatherings. Our video chronicles. We know not everyone can make events or meetings but still want to see our community “in-action”. Darick Simpson has been the primary videographer this past year. Richard Connelly has been editing the videos…