Volunteer with your Neighborhood!

Rose Park Neighborhood Association welcomes your ideas and involvement to help with neighborhood initiatives focused on revitalization of neighborhood spaces, street safety, art wellness and healing. Please send an email to info@rpna.org OR message us on Instagram @RoseParkLB to get involved We also welcome youth volunteers looking to achieve community service hours as part of their school experience!

Opportunities include: 

Alleyway Improvement Projects & Neighborhood Clean Ups

Alleyway Improvement Project

Safe Streets – Mom’s for a Beautiful 10th Street

Pictured: Esmeralda Garcia

Revitalization Projects

60 ft. Mosaic Flower Wall project at E7th Street & Dawson

Neighborhood Socials

Community Gathering in Neighborhood Alleyway

ArtWorksLBCCommunity Building through Art

Art in Rose Park every Thursday 3pm to 5pm
Mosaic Flower Wall at E7th and Dawson with Roses for Rose Park Artist Cody Lusby and ArtWorksLBC Director & Mosaic Artists Dawn Mendelson

Let’s work together for a healthy, safe and connected neighborhood. We hope to hear from you and welcome your ideas!