Walk to School Week
All families should be able to walk to school feeling safe and experience a healthy environment.
For the last day of Long Beach Walk to School Week, Rose Park resident, Sylvia Salcedo and her husband Ed Campbell handed out pastries and coffee to families walking to school along Dawson Avenue and 6th Street.

Sylvia, Ed and residents have worked for over a year to find a solution to cleaning up the area from the chronic trash, waste, graffiti and bicycle chop shop activities occurring in the area.
So, the work continues and here is how neighbors can help!
1. Walk the alleyway behind Pizza X Two on 7th and Dawson Avenue with LBPD Eastside Commander Richens on Friday, April 1 at 1:30pm.
2. Help us advocate for a signal at E7th Street and a Dawson Avenue. Construction has begun on E7th and Dawson for 23-unit townhomes. Let’s make safer streets for families walking and rolling in our neighborhood and let’s bridge our community from the north and south side of E7th!
3. Let’s engage and educate property owners to ensure safer, healthier streets!
Change starts with neighbors coming together!
#LBWalktoSchool #LBSuperSustainable #SafeStreetsLB #SafeNeighborhoodsLB #Action4NeighborhoodChange