Warm pralines Rose Park style
Warm pralines Rose Park style. I think we should ask Shannon to open a bakery!
Food security and food resiliency continue to be critical topics to think and talk about especially during these times. How do you define food security and food resiliency? Share your thoughts with us by emailing info@rpna.org. #FoodSecurityLB #FoodResiliencyLB #RoseParkLB #HealthyFoodLB #Food4All
You can submit fireworks complaints to the online portal here … https://cityprosecutordoughaubert.com/fireworks/
Burbank Elementary Community Team invites you to McTeachers Night! Teachers will be working the counter and serving your burgers on Thursday, July 19 from 4pm-8pm. Come and enjoy a night out with family and friends at the newly remodeled McDonald’s 1000 4th Street at Bonito Ave, Long Beach, CA Bring your appetite and support our…
Now available at LB Police Department – online reporting for minor crimes such as, annoying/harassing phone calls, thefts and attempt thefts, non-injury hit and run traffic collisions (parked vehicles with no witnesses), lost property, vandalism/graffiti. [Per Press Release – LB Police Department] The public now has the ability to file police reports online for specific…
Two items on the Cultural Heritage Commission’s agenda this coming Monday 5pm Nov. 12th at City Hall – Council Chambers will be of properties in the Rose Park Neighborhood. Please review – if you have comments – you are encouraged to 1) attend the hearing and/or 2) submit comments. [ecomments are open a couple days…
Click the link for a article from 4thstreetlongbeach.com: http://4thstreetlongbeach.com/events/4th-streetretro-row’s-summer-sidewalk-sale-breast-cancer-awareness-benefit/