Winter Community Meeting – Notes
Great turnout at our Winter Meeting -hosted at the Red Leprechaun. Received latest intel from Cmdr. Herzog re: the New Year’s Eve incident in Rose Park South. Additional information on current crime issues, and that our area is especially susceptible to auto break-ins. Strategies and resources were discussed to combat and prevent these break-ins. Cmdr. Herzog fielded questions re: the upcoming crime database and traffic issues. He stayed to discuss individual concerns; and plans to be out during our upcoming Feb. 3rd Light our Night installation.
Two award winners, Terry Hensley and Richard Connelly of RPNA’s first ever Golden Rose awards were recognized for their literary efforts. The third winner was not able to attend, Ellie Buchanan. Look for our first “podcast” with the three stories read by Power 4 Youth students.
The last segment of the Winter Meeting dealt with the recent installation of the 6th Street Bike Blvd. Michelle Mowery, LB City Mobility Coordinator was on hand to hear and response to our residents’ many concerns regarding signage, loss of stop signs and the effect on pedestrian safety. All agreed there is a learning curve but the residents wanted more support during this process. Cmdr. Herzog, Devin Ablard (2nd District) and Michelle Mowery (Mobility Coordinator) all stated they would look into these concerns.
Following the meeting, RPNA received an email re: trees, or lack thereof, in two of the newly installed traffic circles along the 6th Street Bike Blvd. At this point, it is the understanding of RPNA that two of the traffic circles did not meet the criteria for trees due to underground utilities. These landscaping and the safety issues will continue to be addressed by RPNA. Again – please send questions and concerns to