Rose Park Neighborhood Association is a group of volunteers who connect residents with important resources and activities, such as monthly clean-ups, art programming and annual events at Rose Park, beautification & revitalization efforts, community meetings and more!
Start by becoming a member HERE! Want to volunteer? Email us at to sign up! However you choose to participate, we cannot do this work without the participation of our residents and local businesses. Support the activities and programming provided by the Rose Park Neighborhood Association and our community partners HERE!
NEED INSPIRATION? Tune in to the Heart of the Neighborhood podcast and listen to one of our long-time neighborhood volunteers, Sylvia Salcedo as she provides a real-look at how problems are addressed at the neighborhood level, and tells listeners how she and other neighbors work together with city agencies, nonprofits and businesses to improve our neighborhood.
**Heart of the Neighborhood** podcast is a community benefit project of Rose Park Neighborhood Association dedicated to highlighting the vibrant leadership and community volunteer efforts that make Long Beach, California a better place to live.
Join Long Beach Forward and meet your new neighbors to learn about Inclusionary Housing and how to advocate for expanding affordable housing through the City of Long Beach.
Please confirm your attendance with Kimberly Lim at or through a call or text 562-204-6349.
Thursday, November 7th, 5:30pm – 7:30pm @ The Youth Movement and Education Center 2217 E 6th Street, Long Beach, CA 90814 (map below)
Long Beach Forward’s NEW OFFICE in Rose Park Neighborhood at 2217 E 6th St, Long Beach, CA 90814
⛤Limited Reserved Parking available across Dawson street ( 612 Dawson Ave, Long Beach, CA 90814 ). Please make sure you park on the reserved parking spots to avoid being towed as they share the parking lot with neighbors. Review the map below.⛤Street Parking available in the neighborhood. ⛤Long Beach Transit Bus stops a few minutes away:
↳ 7th Street: 91, 92, 93, 94
↳ 4th Street: 151
↳ Cherry Avenue: 21, 22, 23
Acompañe a Long Beach Forward para aprender sobre la Inclusión de Viviendas Asequibles y cómo podemos abogar colectivamente por la expansión de la vivienda verdaderamente asequible en la Ciudad de Long Beach. Invita a sus vecinos y amigos. Por favor confirme su asistencia con Kimberly Lim a o a través de una llamada o mensaje de texto al 562-204-6349.
Jueves, 7 de Noviembre, 5:30pm – 7:30pm @ 2217 E 6th Street, Long Beach, CA 90814
Jueves, 7 de Noviembre
5:30pm – Cena disponible. | 6:00pm – Conversación comienza.
Long Beach Forward’s NUEVA OFICINA EN SU VECINDARIO (2217 E 6th St, Long Beach, CA 90814)
⛤Estacionamiento Reservado Limitado disponible cruzando la calle Dawson ( 612 Dawson Ave, Long Beach, CA 90814 ). Por favor asegúrese de estacionarse en los espacios reservados para evitar que remolquen su carro ya que compartimos el estacionamiento con los vecinos. Revise el mapa abajo. ⛤Estacionamiento en la Calle disponible en el vecindario.⛤Paradas de Bus de Long Beach Transit a pocos minutos:
It seems like there is nothing to do and then voila – everything happens at that same time. Here are the highlights! Saturday morning March 24th – 6th St. Bike Boulevard Bike and Ride and opening of the the new green space/park. Saturday March 24th – Go solar – check out reducing your carbon footprint…
Do you know a person who has strengthened a Long Beach neighborhood using creativity? Engaged residents to participate in a community building activity using art? Would you like them to be recognized? We would! Please send your nomination of someone who you believe acted on the mission of ArtWorksLBC to The mission of ArtWorksLBC…
We’ve just uploaded the digital version of our current and compelling directory. The answer to what is going on in Rose Park question. During the year you can find it on our website. We’ve had a terrific response with more businesses that want in! Which we missed and will make amends by featuring in upcoming…
Meet a few board members of Rose Park Neighborhood Association. We asked Esmeralda Garcia, Chris Robson, and Jasmin Sheth to tell YOU a bit about themselves and their involvement with Rose Park Neighborhood Association. What’s your professional background? I have professional experience working at nonprofits and the private sector, but most of my professional career…
ArtWorksLBC Director, Dawn Mendelson and Roses for Rose Park Artist, Cody Lusby facilitated two workshops at the Summer Arts Institute. The Summer Arts Institute is provided by the Long Beach Youth Chorus, offering youth of all ages an immersive summer program with experiences in choral music, visual and performing arts. The Institute was held from…